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Invest Sabah Berhad
Preferred Investment Destination

Why Invest in Sabah

Sabah is certainly one of the Malaysia’s most vibrant destinations for investment in this region. Over the years many manufacturing projects have been set up, relocated or expanded their operations in Sabah creating more job opportunities to the locals and non-residence alike.
Natural Resources
Sabah is home to abundant natural resources & raw materials
Sapanggar Bay Oil Terminal
Sabah has 8 ports
Mount Kinabalu
Sabah is home to the highest mountain in South East Asia, and a UNESCO World Heritage
Kota Kinabalu International Airport
Sabah has a network of five airports: Kota Kinabalu International Airport, Sandakan Airport, Lahad Dartu Airport, Tawau Airport and Semporan.
Sabah has 33 diverse ethnic background
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Sabah: A Quick Overview

The Strategic Advantages of Investing in Sabah

In recent years, Oil and Gas and Energy Development have emerged as Sabah’s keys driver to bigger GDP contribution forecast to 35% in year 2030 from the current 7.0% to 8.0% currently. In supports, Sabah is also focusing on Human Capital Development, Infrastructural Development on Sustainable Tourism and Digital Connectivity among others.

73,620 sqkm

2nd largest state in Malaysia

3.6 mil

2nd largest population in Malaysia

33 diverse group

spawning diverse ethnic background

RM118 bil

Total trade volume in 2022

6th highest GDP contributor

RM78 billion in 2021

2nd busiest airport

KKIA being the main gateway to Sabah

Highest labour force

Highest labour force participation in Malaysia

RM11.5 bil

Investment value in 2022 (Manufacturing & Services)

UNESCO triple crown

alongside Jeju Island & Shennongjia

5th top investment destination

Ranked 5th as top investment destination

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Land Below the Wind, Home to A Vibrant Eco-System

Strategic Location

Sabah occupies a pivotal geographical position, bordered by influential nations such as China (the most populous country globally, with its new capital in Kalimantan), South Korea, Brunei, Australia, Indonesia (the fourth most populous country globally, also with a new capital in Kalimantan), Malaysia (including Sarawak), and the Philippines.
Labuan, officially designated as the Federal Territory of Labuan, is an integral part of Malaysia. Comprising Labuan Island and six smaller islets, it lies adjacent to the shores of Sabah in East Malaysia. Victoria serves as its capital and is renowned as an offshore financial center, hosting international financial and business services through Labuan IBFC since 1990. Additionally, Labuan functions as a crucial support hub for deepwater oil and gas operations across the region.

World-Class Tourist Destination

With its stunning natural landscapes, vibrant cultural heritage, and strategic location in Southeast Asia, Sabah offers investors a unique proposition for growth and profitability. The thriving tourism sector, coupled with ongoing infrastructure development and a supportive business environment, positions Sabah as an attractive destination for investment across various industries. Whether in hospitality, eco-tourism, or related sectors, investing in Sabah promises both financial returns and the chance to contribute to the sustainable development of this enchanting paradise.

Abundance of Resources & Raw Materials

Sabah boasts an abundance of natural resources and raw materials, making it an attractive destination for investment. From lush rainforests teeming with biodiversity to vast marine ecosystems rich in marine life, Sabah offers a wealth of opportunities across various industries. Investors can capitalize on the region’s timber, palm oil, rubber, and minerals, among other resources, driving economic growth while promoting sustainable development practices. With its strategic location and favorable business environment, Sabah stands as a prime destination for investors seeking to leverage its abundant resources for long-term prosperity and success.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Integration

In Sabah, the integration of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles into investment strategies is pivotal for sustainable development. Investors prioritize practices that preserve Sabah’s rich biodiversity, engage with local communities to foster inclusive growth, and uphold strong governance standards to ensure transparency and accountability. By integrating ESG considerations into decision-making processes, stakeholders not only mitigate risks but also contribute to the long-term prosperity of Sabah, creating value that extends beyond financial returns to encompass environmental stewardship, social well-being, and ethical governance.

No Major Natural Disasters

Situated in a region prone to various environmental risks, Sabah stands out for its relative stability and safety from catastrophic events such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes. This stability not only ensures the safety of investments but also minimizes potential disruptions to business operations, providing a secure environment for long-term growth and prosperity. Investors can have confidence in Sabah’s resilience, knowing that their ventures are safeguarded against significant natural disasters, allowing them to focus on maximizing opportunities and realizing their business goals.

Attractive Incentive Packages

With a range of incentives including tax exemptions, investment allowances, and grants, Sabah provides favorable conditions for businesses to thrive and grow. These incentives are designed to attract both domestic and foreign investment across various sectors, stimulating economic development and creating employment opportunities. Coupled with Sabah’s abundant natural resources, strategic location, and supportive business environment, these incentive packages make investing in Sabah an enticing proposition for entrepreneurs seeking to maximize their returns and expand their operations in a dynamic and competitive market.

Institutions & Universities

From leading universities to specialized research centers, Sabah provides abundant opportunities for collaboration, knowledge exchange, and talent development. Investors can benefit from access to a skilled workforce, cutting-edge research, and industry partnerships fostered by these institutions, driving innovation and competitiveness across various sectors. With a strong educational ecosystem in place, Sabah presents a compelling environment for investment and growth, nurturing the next generation of leaders and driving economic development forward.

Sabah: Fusion of Culture, Lifestyle, and Investment

Sabah, the eastern jewel of Malaysia, stands apart as a testament to the harmonious coexistence of diverse cultures, lifestyles, and traditions within Borneo. Nestled on the stunning island, Sabah’s unique blend of indigenous heritage, vibrant communities, and natural wonders creates an unparalleled investment opportunity unlike any other in the region.

Diversity Beyond Compare

Sabah’s cultural tapestry is woven with threads of indigenous tribes, including the Kadazan-Dusun, Bajau, Murut, and many more. Each community contributes to the rich fabric of Sabah’s identity, fostering an environment of inclusivity and respect. The state’s diverse population not only enriches its social landscape but also presents a myriad of business prospects, from ecotourism ventures to culinary experiences.

Lifestyle Redefined

Sabah embodies a vibrant energy that never fades, offering activities and opportunities round the clock. From dawn to dusk, and through the starlit nights, Sabah pulses with life and excitement, yet miraculously maintains its serene tranquility. Whether it’s exploring bustling markets, diving into exhilarating outdoor adventures, or simply indulging in moments of relaxation by the sea, Sabah caters to every whim without compromising its peaceful charm. This unique balance makes Sabah an exceptional destination for investors seeking a dynamic environment that seamlessly blends excitement with tranquility.

Cultural Vibrancy

The cultural vibrancy of Sabah is unparalleled, with festivals and celebrations that showcase its rich heritage. From the lively Kadazan Harvest Festival (Kaamatan) to the mesmerizing Bajau Horsemen Festival (Tamadaw), Sabah’s calendar is filled with colorful events that draw visitors from around the world. Investors can capitalize on this cultural wealth by supporting local artisans, promoting cultural tourism, and participating in community initiatives.

🌙Wishing you a blessed and joyous Hari Raya Haji filled with love and laughter. May your home be filled with warmth and happiness.🌙

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